List of short forms used in finance (USA)

First of all, you should understand Finance which refers to the management of money and other assets, including investments, banking, credit, and debt. It involves the study of how individuals, businesses, and organizations allocate their resources over time and make decisions about the acquisition and use of funds.

Finance is concerned with the analysis of financial data, the valuation of assets and liabilities, and the determination of financial risk.

Here is the list of short forms or abbreviations mostly used in finance terms in the USA. You need to understand it perfectly. Check the list below-

  1. ADR – American Depositary Receipt
  2. ABS – Asset-Backed Security
  3. ADR – American Depository Receipt
  4. AP – Accounts Payable
  5. APR – Annual Percentage Rate
  6. APT – Arbitrage Pricing Theory
  7. AR – Accounts Receivable
  8. ARM – Adjustable Rate Mortgage
  9. AROR – Average Rate of Return
  10. ARPU – Average Revenue Per User
  11. ATM – Automated Teller Machine
  12. AUM – Assets Under Management
  13. B2B – Business-to-Business
  14. B2C – Business-to-Consumer
  15. BDC – Business Development Company
  16. BIS – Bank for International Settlements
  17. CAC – Customer Acquisition Cost
  18. CAGR – Compound Annual Growth Rate
  19. CAMELS – Capital Adequacy, Asset Quality, Management, Earnings, Liquidity, and Sensitivity to Market Risk
  20. CAP – Capital Adequacy Plan
  21. CAPM – Capital Asset Pricing Model
  22. CBDC – Central Bank Digital Currency
  23. CDO – Collateralized Debt Obligation
  24. CDS – Credit Default Swap
  25. CFA – Chartered Financial Analyst
  26. CFO – Cash Flow from Operations
  27. CFO – Chief Financial Officer
  28. CFP – Certified Financial Planner
  29. CFTC – Commodity Futures Trading Commission
  30. CMA – Certified Management Accountant
  31. CMO – Collateralized Mortgage Obligation
  32. COA – Chart of Accounts
  33. COFI – Cost of Funds Index
  34. COGS – Cost of Goods Sold
  35. CPA – Certified Public Accountant
  36. CPFF – Commercial Paper Funding Facility
  37. CRM – Customer Relationship Management
  38. CRO – Chief Risk Officer
  39. CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility
  40. CTA – Commodity Trading Advisor
  41. CTR – Currency Transaction Report
  42. DCF – Discounted Cash Flow
  43. DDT – Dividend Distribution Tax
  44. DEA – Data Envelopment Analysis
  45. DJIA – Dow Jones Industrial Average
  46. DLOM – Discount for Lack of Marketability
  47. DPO – Days Payable Outstanding
  48. DRIP – Dividend Reinvestment Plan
  49. DSCR – Debt Service Coverage Ratio
  50. DSO – Days Sales Outstanding
  51. EAC – Estimated Annual Cost
  52. EBIT – Earnings Before Interest and Taxes
  53. EBITDA – Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization
  54. EBITDAR – Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, Amortization, and Rent
  55. EBT – Earnings Before Taxes
  56. ECB – European Central Bank
  57. EDP – Electronic Data Processing
  58. EMEA – Europe, Middle East, and Africa
  59. EPS – Earnings Per Share
  60. ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning
  61. ESG – Environmental, Social, and Governance
  62. ESOP – Employee Stock Ownership Plan
  63. ETF – Exchange-Traded Fund
  64. FASB – Financial Accounting Standards Board
  65. FCF – Free Cash Flow
  66. FCFE – Free Cash Flow to Equity
  67. FDI – Foreign Direct Investment
  68. FDIC – Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
  69. FHA – Federal Housing Administration
  70. FICO – Fair Isaac Corporation
  71. FIFO – First-In, First-Out
  72. FINRA – Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
  73. FOB – Free on Board
  74. FOMC – Federal Open Market Committee
  75. FOMO – Fear Of Missing Out
  76. FRB – Federal Reserve Bank
  77. FX – Foreign Exchange
  78. GAAP – Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
  79. GARP – Growth At a Reasonable Price
  80. GATT – General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
  81. GDP – Gross Domestic Product
  82. GICS – Global Industry Classification Standard
  83. GMV – Gross Merchandise Value
  84. GNP – Gross National Product
  85. GSE – Government-Sponsored Enterprise
  86. GSEs – Government-Sponsored Enterprises
  87. HFT – High-Frequency Trading
  88. HHI – Herfindahl-Hirschman Index
  89. HNI – High Net Worth Individual
  90. HNI – High-Net-Worth Individual
  91. HPR – Holding Period Return
  92. IAS – International Accounting Standards
  93. ICAAP – Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process
  94. ICAP – Interest Rate Swap Clearing House
  95. IFRS – International Financial Reporting Standards
  96. IFSC – International Financial Services Centre
  97. IPO – Initial Public Offering
  98. IPOD – Initial Public Offering Distribution
  99. IRR – Internal Rate of Return
  100. ISDA – International Swaps and Derivatives Association
  101. ISO – International Organization for Standardization
  102. ITM – In-The-Money
  103. KPI – Key Performance Indicator
  104. KYC – Know Your Customer
  105. LBO – Leveraged Buyout
  106. LDI – Liability-Driven Investment
  107. LIBID – London Interbank Bid Rate
  108. LIBOR – London Interbank Offered Rate
  109. LIFO – Last-In, First-Out
  110. LOI – Letter of Intent
  111. LTRO – Long-Term Refinancing Operations
  112. LTV – Loan-to-Value Ratio
  113. M&A – Merger and Acquisition
  114. MACD – Moving Average Convergence Divergence
  115. MBS – Mortgage-Backed Securities
  116. MBS – Mortgage-Backed Security
  117. MSCI – Morgan Stanley Capital International
  118. NAV – Net Asset Value
  119. NDA – Non-Disclosure Agreement
  120. NFA – National Futures Association
  121. NII – Net Interest Income
  122. NIRP – Negative Interest Rate Policy
  123. NOL – Net Operating Loss
  124. NPL – Non-Performing Loan
  125. NPV – Net Present Value
  126. OAS – Option-Adjusted Spread
  127. OCC – Options Clearing Corporation
  128. OPM – Other People’s Money
  129. OTC – Over-the-Counter
  130. P&L – Profit and Loss
  131. P/B – Price-to-Book Ratio
  132. P/E – Price-to-Earnings ratio
  133. PCAOB – Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
  134. PEG – Price/Earnings to Growth Ratio
  135. PMI – Purchasing Managers’ Index
  136. PPI – Producer Price Index
  137. PWM – Private Wealth Management
  138. R&D – Research and Development
  139. RAROC – Risk-Adjusted Return On Capital
  140. RFP – Request for Proposal
  141. ROA – Return on Assets
  142. ROE – Return on Equity
  143. ROI – Return on Investment
  144. RWA – Risk-Weighted Assets
  145. S&P – Standard & Poor’s
  146. SAR – Special Administrative Region
  147. SAR – Suspicious Activity Report
  148. SEC – Securities and Exchange Commission
  149. SEZ – Special Economic Zone
  150. SME – Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
  151. SOX – Sarbanes-Oxley Act
  152. SPAC – Special Purpose Acquisition Company
  153. SRO – Self-Regulatory Organization
  154. STP – Straight Through Processing
  155. SWIFT – Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
  156. TARP – Troubled Asset Relief Program
  157. TBTF – Too Big To Fail
  158. TCO – Total Cost of Ownership
  159. TIPS – Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities
  160. TSR – Total Shareholder Return
  161. TTM – Trailing Twelve Months
  162. UCC – Uniform Commercial Code
  163. UPI – Unique Product Identifier
  164. VAR – Value at Risk
  165. VAR – Value-at-Risk
  166. VC – Venture Capital
  167. VIX – Chicago Board Options Exchange Volatility Index
  168. VUCA – Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity
  169. WACC – Weighted Average Cost of Capital
  170. WIP – Work in Progress
  171. WIPRO – Western India Palm Refined Oils
  172. WPI – Wholesale Price Index
  173. YOY – Year Over Year
  174. YTD – Year-to-Date
  175. YTM – Yield to Maturity
  176. ZBB – Zero-Based Budgeting
  177. ZIRP – Zero Interest Rate Policy
  178. Z-spread – Zero-Volatility Spread

you can see a List of short forms used in finance with more different abbreviations through the link

By larry Brown

A senior accountant, and banking & finance expert, with five years long experience in banking, finance, Investment, and money management.