List of short forms used in Loan in the USA

First of all, you should understand a loan- A loan is a financial arrangement between two parties in which one party (the lender) agrees to lend money or assets to the other party (the borrower) in exchange for repayment of the principal amount plus interest or other fees over a specified period of time. Loans are a crucial part of the financial system and are used by individuals, businesses, and governments for a variety of purposes.

You know that Loans are typically categorized as secured or unsecured.

  1. A secured loan is backed by collateral, such as a house or car, which the lender can seize if the borrower fails to repay the loan.
  2. An unsecured loan, on the other hand, does not require collateral and is granted based on the borrower’s creditworthiness and ability to repay.

Different types of loans include

  1. Personal loans,
  2. Business loans,
  3. Mortgages,
  4. Auto loans,
  5. Student loans,
  6. And more as per requirement.

The terms and conditions of a loan, such as the interest rate, repayment period, and other fees, are determined by the lender and agreed upon by the borrower before the loan is disbursed.

Taking out a loan can be a useful way to obtain funds for various purposes, but it’s important to understand the short forms, terms, and risks involved before committing to any loan.

List of 100 abbreviations used in Loan

Here is the list of 100 short forms normally used in loan

  1. L – Loan
  2. LOC – Line of Credit
  3. PCL – Personal Consumer Loan
  4. HELOC – Home Equity Line of Credit
  5. SBA – Small Business Administration
  6. FHA – Federal Housing Administration
  7. VA – Veterans Affairs
  8. USDA – United States Department of Agriculture
  9. ARM – Adjustable-Rate Mortgage
  10. IOU – “I Owe You”
  11. APR – Annual Percentage Rate
  12. ACH – Automated Clearing House
  13. BAL – Balance
  14. BPO – Broker Price Opinion
  15. CFPB – Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
  16. COFI – Cost of Funds Index
  17. DTI – Debt-to-Income Ratio
  18. EMI – Equated Monthly Installment
  19. FICO – Fair Isaac Corporation
  20. GFE – Good Faith Estimate
  21. HAMP – Home Affordable Modification Program
  22. HUD – Department of Housing and Urban Development
  23. IBR – Income-Based Repayment
  24. Jumbo – Jumbo Mortgage
  25. LIBOR – London Interbank Offered Rate
  26. LTV – Loan-to-Value Ratio
  27. MIP – Mortgage Insurance Premium
  28. NINA – No Income No Asset
  29. OAC – On Approved Credit
  30. PITI – Principal, Interest, Taxes, and Insurance
  31. PMI – Private Mortgage Insurance
  32. QM – Qualified Mortgage
  33. RTO – Rent-to-Own
  34. SISA – Stated Income Stated Asset
  35. TIL – Truth in Lending
  36. UCC – Uniform Commercial Code
  37. VOD – Verification of Deposit
  38. W2 – Wage and Tax Statement
  39. YSP – Yield Spread Premium
  40. ATR – Ability-to-Repay
  41. BLP – Business Loan Program
  42. C&I – Commercial and Industrial
  43. DSCR – Debt Service Coverage Ratio
  44. EBL – Export-Import Bank of the United States Loan
  45. FHLB – Federal Home Loan Bank
  46. GSE – Government-Sponsored Enterprise
  47. HARP – Home Affordable Refinance Program
  48. IRRRL – Interest Rate Reduction Refinance Loan
  49. JRR – Jumbo Refinance Rate
  50. LDP – Loan Delivery Package
  51. MERS – Mortgage Electronic Registration System
  52. NINA – No Income No Asset Verification
  53. OBR – Owner Builder Requirements
  54. PUD – Planned Unit Development
  55. QRM – Qualified Residential Mortgage
  56. RPA – Residential Purchase Agreement
  57. SBC – Small Business Credit
  58. TBA – To Be Announced
  59. UDAAP – Unfair, Deceptive, or Abusive Acts or Practices
  60. VAR – Variable Rate
  61. WRIT – Washington Real Estate Investment Trust
  62. YTM – Yield to Maturity
  63. AMI – Area Median Income
  64. BHC – Bank Holding Company
  65. CD – Certificate of Deposit
  66. DCI – Depository Credit Intermediation
  67. EDA – Economic Development Administration
  68. FOMC – Federal Open Market Committee
  69. GHP – Guaranteed Home Purchase
  70. HSA – Health Savings Account
  71. ICL – International Credit Letter
  72. JPA – Joint Powers Agreement
  73. KTB – Key Terms and Benefits
  74. LDP – Local Development Plan
  75. MCA – Merchant Cash Advance
  76. NRE – Non-Resident External
  77. OPM – Other People’s Money
  78. P2P – Peer-to-Peer
  79. QBI – Qualified Business Income
  80. RFA – Request for Application
  81. SIPC – Securities Investor Protection Corporation
  82. TARP – Troubled Asset Relief Program
  83. UCA – Universal Credit Application
  84. VIE – Variable Interest Entity
  85. WRA – Wisconsin REALTORS Association
  86. XIRR – Extended Internal Rate of Return
  87. YTD – Year-to-Date
  88. ZBA – Zero Balance Account
  89. ARM – Advanced Risk Management
  90. BPLR – Benchmark Prime Lending Rate
  91. CAGR – Compound Annual Growth Rate
  92. DLOM – Discount for Lack of Marketability
  93. EIR – Effective Interest Rate
  94. FAP – Financial Aid Package
  95. GIP – Global Infrastructure Partners
  96. HFI – Held for Investment
  97. IBC – International Bank of Commerce
  98. JCT – Joint Committee on Taxation
  99. KCB – Kenya Commercial Bank
  100. LDC – Loan Development Center

You should check out also the list of short forms in finance and more abbreviations or short forms used in Loan from

Faqs on loan abbreviations

1. What is ROI?

ROI stands for Return on Investment, which is the percentage of profit or loss generated from an investment.

2. What is EMI?

EMI stands for Equated Monthly Installment, which is a fixed amount paid by a borrower to repay a loan over a specific period.

3. What is CIBIL?

CIBIL stands for Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited, which is a credit information company that maintains credit records of individuals and companies.

By larry Brown

A senior accountant, and banking & finance expert, with five years long experience in banking, finance, Investment, and money management.