ZIP Code of Montgomery-Montgomery is the capital city of the U.S. state of Alabama and the county seat of Montgomery County. Named for Richard Montgomery, it stands beside the Alabama River, on the coastal Plain of the Gulf of Mexico. In the 2020 Census, Montgomery’s population was 200,603. It is the second most populous city in Alabama, after Huntsville, and is the 119th most populous in the United States. The Montgomery Metropolitan Statistical Area’s population in 2020 was 386,047; it is the fourth largest in the state and 142nd among United States metropolitan areas.

List of ZIP codes in Montgomery

The location Montgomery, AL has 35 different ZIP Codes. Check the map below to check your ZIP Code.

State capital of
City NameZIP CodeZIP TypeEstimated Population
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36101PO BOX466
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36102PO BOX0
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36103PO BOX0
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36104STANDARD6.082
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36105STANDARD10.388
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36106STANDARD11.624
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36107STANDARD6.403
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36108STANDARD16.861
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36109STANDARD21.380
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36110STANDARD10.126
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36111STANDARD10.764
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36112STANDARD0
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36113STANDARD737
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36114STANDARD0
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36115STANDARD0
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36116STANDARD33.860
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36117STANDARD37.488
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36118UNIQUE0
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36119STANDARD0
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36120PO BOX507
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36121PO BOX0
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36123PO BOX549
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36124PO BOX1.138
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36125PO BOX591
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36130UNIQUE0
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36131UNIQUE0
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36132UNIQUE0
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36133UNIQUE0
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36134UNIQUE0
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36135UNIQUE0
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36140UNIQUE0
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36141UNIQUE0
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36142UNIQUE0
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36177UNIQUE0
Montgomery, ALPRIMARY 36191UNIQUE0

Status Definitions

  • PRIMARY: means the primary city name. Official city name, although the city name might also have another acceptable name.
  • ACCEPTABLE: means an adequate city name. City names that are abbreviated will frequently be listed as unacceptable because abbreviations are not an acceptable city name format.
  • IMPROPER/NOT ACCEPTABLE: This means an inadequate city name has been entered or received based on the information entered.
  • UNIQUE: Assigned to a company, government agency, or entity with sufficient mail volume, based on the average daily volume of letter size mail received availability of ZIP Code numbers in the Postal Area, and the US mail service cost-benefit analysis.

Map for Postal Zone of Montgomery, AL – USA

The Google maps for the Postal Zone of Montgomery, Alabama ZIP Code is shown below-If the map does not load automatically, press the load button in the upper right corner. You can amplify the map to search for an address.

Montgomery, AL belongs to which county?

Montgomery, AL belongs to Montgomery county. Check the list of Montgomery county ZIP Codes.

ZIP Code Alabama, Montgomery

Check the list of Alabama ZIP codes.

ZIP Code United States

If you want to restart your search by state, get back to US ZIP Code.

By larry Brown

A senior accountant, and banking & finance expert, with five years long experience in banking, finance, Investment, and money management.


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